Deepest Almond Brown Noise for Deep Sleep | 12 Hours | Healing, Relaxing and Tinnitus Relief

Описание к видео Deepest Almond Brown Noise for Deep Sleep | 12 Hours | Healing, Relaxing and Tinnitus Relief

Deep brown noise that's what we all love! The type of noise that got me into this world in the first place. Deep, hypnotic soundscapes designed to put you to sleep - and keep you there! 😴😴😴

When brainstorming new sounds, I typically try to associate colours with objects linked to relaxation and sleep - and explore from there. This week, I've chosen almonds to make Almond Noise. But what are its sleep connotations? Allow me to explain:

I didn't know this, but almonds are rich in magnesium, which promotes better sleep by relaxing muscles and regulating neurotransmitters that facilitate sleep. Not only that, but almonds contain melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles, aiding in faster sleep onset and improved sleep quality. So once I'd bought the almonds, I had to give it a go.

So, to create this Brown sound, I've taken a selection of almonds, shaking and mixing them in various containers while recording the resulting noises. I've then applied my usual filters, emphasising and boosting lower frequencies. You'll also notice a hypnotic metallic drone - a fortunate result of of almonds meeting a metallic drum!

There's definitely an ethereal quality to this one and I do hope you enjoy it as much as me! Sleep well! ♥😊

MADE USING: Almonds, fabric scratching and beaded drum


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