Day 7 - Camino Frances - Estella to Sansol 30km

Описание к видео Day 7 - Camino Frances - Estella to Sansol 30km

Day 7 - Thursday 5 September - Estella to Sansol 30km
Today was the longest distance that I have ever walked with a pack on my back. Probably total stupidity with a dodgy foot, but I had accommodation booked and few other options so I went ahead anyway. During the last kilometres, I chanted a mantra in my head as the kilometres counted down. 18/12 (eigh-teen twelve) 19/11 (nine-teen eleven) 20/10 (twen-ty ten) and so on. At the end of the day I collapsed into bed and that accounts for the lateness of this video. Tomorrow Logrono and another rest day to follow :-)

🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators.
Spanish Serenade by Keith Beauvais, License ID: xz0l8rnP0Yw
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