如何看懂舊約聖經?📖10分鐘馬上了解背景、歷史、神學主題!🕰️讀經不成問題!How to Understand the Old Testament in 10 Minutes?【葉博士 Dr Yap】

Описание к видео 如何看懂舊約聖經?📖10分鐘馬上了解背景、歷史、神學主題!🕰️讀經不成問題!How to Understand the Old Testament in 10 Minutes?【葉博士 Dr Yap】


馬上來學習! 葉晨星博士將教導您如何在10分鐘內看懂舊約概論,越讀越了解神在您我生命的計劃!🌟

📖 這律法書不可離開你的口,總要晝夜思想,好使你謹守遵行這書上所寫的一切話。如此,你的道路就可以亨通,凡事順利。- 約書亞記 1:8

舊約 輔助教材 Old Testament Supplementary Materials

The Bible is the Word given to us by God, but the Old Testament is quite lengthy, and the cultural background is very complex. Understanding it is truly not easy! 🧠 If you are seeking spiritual growth, don't miss out on the rich promises within the Old Testament! 🙏

Let's learn together! Dr. Yap will teach us how to understand the Old Testament introduction in 10 minutes. The more we read, the more we will grasp God's plan in our lives! 🌟

📖Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. - Joshua 1:8

Have a question? Post in the comments section of this video! 如有任何疑问,欢迎在留言区留言😉

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