Go | Make Disciples | Pastor Eric Madden

Описание к видео Go | Make Disciples | Pastor Eric Madden

🚨 Week 1 of the GO Sermon Series starts this Sunday! 🚨

🔥 Are you ready to be challenged to radically live out your faith? Jesus commanded us to GO and make disciples, and we’re not holding back. This series is all about stepping out, sharing the gospel, and living on mission in every area of our lives.

📖 Week 1: "The Call to Radical Obedience" Get ready to dig deep into Matthew 28:18-20 and discover what it means to follow Jesus with everything you’ve got.

🎯 If you want a copy of the 6-Week At-Home Bible Study to go along with us, message us now! Let’s grow together and take this journey of discipleship to the next level.

#GOSeries #MakeDisciples #RadicalObedience #TheSanctuaryChurch #OnMission #DiscipleshipJourney


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