Korone and Subaru Being the MOST Chaotic Duo for 5 Minutes [Hololive/Fubuki/Mio/Kiara]

Описание к видео Korone and Subaru Being the MOST Chaotic Duo for 5 Minutes [Hololive/Fubuki/Mio/Kiara]

This might be the best duo. They're like two siblings constantly going at it.
During this year's End of Year Stream, Subaru and Korone were paired up for the quiz show.
Kiara joins as a special guest teammate for Mio and has a special announcement.
While Fubuki tries to navigate the pure chaos going on around her.

Happy Hololive New Years everyone!

年末ホロライブ ~ゆくホロくるホロ 2022→2023~【#ゆくホロくるホロ2022】
   • 年末ホロライブ  ~ゆくホロくるホロ 2022→2023~【#ゆくホロくる...  


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