Požar kuće (11) / House fire (11) - Vatrogasci Prijedor 15.03.2020.

Описание к видео Požar kuće (11) / House fire (11) - Vatrogasci Prijedor 15.03.2020.

Požar kuće (11) / House fire (11) - Vatrogasci Prijedor 15.03.2020. ‪@vatrogasciprijedor-firestation‬
Požar kuće u Ljubiji, 12 Km od Prijedora, najvjerovatnije izazvan ispadanjem žara iz šporeta ili dimnjaka. U momentu nastanka požara u objektu nije bilo nikoga.
*The fire in a house in Ljubija, 12 km from Prijedor, was most likely caused by the embers falling out of the stove or chimney. There was no one in the building at the time of the fire.


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