Top 11 Fields in Engineering | Best Engineering Degrees & Scope | Career Counselling by Yousuf Almas

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Pakistan Engineering Council recognizes 65 engineering programs in Pakistan. Which one of these are the top ranked ones with better scope and social status? Find out in this video

To schedule an appointment for career counselling session with Sir Yousuf Almas - call now 03335766716

00:00 Intro
02:19 Field 11
03:46 Field 10
05:02 Field 9
06:35 Field 8
07:39 Field 7
08:28 Field 6
09:44 Field 5
11:25 Field 4
15:16 Field 3
16:34 Field 2
18:20 Field 1

Eduvision is Pakistan's first career counselling organization founded by country's leading career counselor, life coach, and trainer, Sir Yousuf Almas in 2001. We provide educational guidance and career planning services to school/college/university students, and professionals. We help you choose the best careers, assist in career development and help you reach your full potential. Our aim is to ensure a successful life and career for you.

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