Nebo SL75 VS SL100 Battle of the LEP v Open Reflector

Описание к видео Nebo SL75 VS SL100 Battle of the LEP v Open Reflector

The battle of the open reflector and LEP has been a hot topic since LEP's arrive on the scene. This has been the best comparison yet as both lights are pretty much identical in design just one (SL75) having an open reflector and the other (SL100) having the LEP.

Obviously both lights have their strengths and weaknesses with the typical LEP being laser focused with no spill offering great distance but no peripheral light. Nebo have addressed this though by adding a C.O.B light so walking around at night will be no dramas at all.

As for the open reflector version in the SL75 Nebo have managed to get the most out of this light with a great 1.2KM distance. Typical with open reflectors it offers larger amount of peripheral view out at distance and although it would have been great if they added a C.O.B light on this version having the light on low you will still be able to get around tight tracking and see where you're going.

If you wanted a closer look at either of the lights check out the full product details below.

Nebo SL75
Nebo Sl100
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