Cara cat Motif Batu Alam Dengan Busa Angin !! Natural Stone Motifs With Foam Wind And Paint Rollers

Описание к видео Cara cat Motif Batu Alam Dengan Busa Angin !! Natural Stone Motifs With Foam Wind And Paint Rollers

Cara membuat motif batu alam dg busa angin dan rol cat,dg bahan cat tembok elastek warna coklat dan krem muda,dg garis pola motif warna hitam dan coklat tua,finish tambahkan motif retak dan pantulan siai batu dg cat warna krem muda,lihat proses pengecatanya dg menyimak video ,terima kasih selamat menonton.

How to make natural stone motifs with wind foam and paint rollers, with light brown and light beige elastek wall paint, with black and dark brown pattern lines, finish add cracked motifs and stone reflections with light beige paint, see the painting process by watching the video, thank you enjoy watching


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