Proljetna MAHOVINA TORTA 💚🌸 - lagana i osvježavajuća - ovo morate probati!

Описание к видео Proljetna MAHOVINA TORTA 💚🌸 - lagana i osvježavajuća - ovo morate probati!

Proljetna mahovina torta 💚
2 jaja
Prstohvat soli
125 g šećera
2 vanilin šećera
Naribana korica limuna ili limete
75 ml ulja
75 g brašna
60 g gustina
1/2 praška za pecivo
160 g otopljenog, ocijedjenog i štapnim mikserom izblendanog špinata
- jaja miksati sa šećerom dok ne postanu blijeda i pjenasta, dodati ulje, limunovu koricu, špinat te prosijane suhe sastojke. Špinat obavezno izblendajte - tako ćete dobiti ujednačenu i predivnu zelenu boju biskvita. Ja sam pekla u obruču fi 25 - na 170* oko 30 min. Odrezala rubove i vrh biskvita - te namrvila na vrh torte.
Voćna krema:
200 g zamrznutog voća (maline i kupine)
200 ml vode
50 g šećera
1 vanilin šećer
3 žl gustina
- prokuhati voće sa pola vode - protisnuti kroz cjedilo da uklonite sjemenke, dodati ostatak vode, šećere, gustin i sve vratiti na laganu vatru i kuhati miješajući dok ne dobijete finu voćnu kremu. Prohladiti.
Mileram krema:
1 vr želatine u prahu (10g)
30 ml vode
- preliti želatinu vodom i ostaviti da nabubri
300 ml milerama
2 žl šećera u prahu
300 ml vrhnja za šlag
80 g otopljene bijele čokolade
- miksati mileram i šećer u prahu, dodati vrhnje i kratko izmješati - ne premutiti! Dodati otopljenu čokoladu i nabubrenu i na laganoj vatri otopljenu želatinu. Sve sjediniti - tortu slagati u obruču fi 20 cm.
- polovinu kreme premazati po biskvitu, kratko prohladiti, preko toga namazati voćnu kremu (ja sam se poslužila piping vrećicom - cijeli postupak imate u video- receptu) - ponovno kratko prohladiti i na vrh premazati drugu polovinu kreme.
Dekorirati po želji - namrviti na vrh ostatke biskvita, dodati svježe voće, listiće mente… ideja je bezbroj i sve su efektne j prekrasne! Ja sam tortu vidjela kod @tarraluu - a recept je sa coolinarike - ima više verzija kreme, kombinacija voća, slaganja kora, poigravanja dekoracijom i prezentacijom i svaka mi je jednako lijepa! Okus špinata se niti malo ne osjeti, torta je mali pjenasti raj i jedva čekam da ju repriziram!

Spring moss cake 💚
2 eggs
A pinch of salt125 g of sugar
2 vanilla sugar
Grated lemon or lime zest
75 ml of oil
75 g of flour
60 g corn starch
1/2 baking powder
160 g of thawed, drained and blended spinach with a stick mixer
- mix eggs with sugar until pale and foamy, add oil, lemon zest, spinach and sifted dry ingredients. Be sure to blend the spinach - this way you will get a uniform and beautiful green color of the biscuit. I baked in a ring fi 25 - at 170* for about 30 min. She cut off the edges and the top of the biscuit - and crumbled it on top of the cake.
Fruit cream:
200 g of frozen fruit (raspberries and blackberries) 200 ml of water
50 g of sugar
1 vanilla sugar
3 tbsp corn starch
- boil the fruit with half of the water - press through a strainer to remove the seeds, add the rest of the water, sugars, stock and put everything back on a low heat and cook, stirring, until you get a fine fruit cream. Chill.
Mileram cream:
1 tablespoon gelatin powder (10g)
30 ml of water
- pour water over the gelatin and let it swell
300 ml of Miller (cream cheese)
2 tbsp of powdered sugar
300 ml of whipping cream
80 g of melted white chocolate
- mix mileram and powdered sugar, add cream and mix briefly - do not overmix! Add the melted chocolate and the gelatin that has swelled and dissolved on a low heat.
Combine everything -
stack the cake in a 20 cm circle.
- spread half of the cream on the biscuit, cool it briefly, spread the fruit cream over it (I used a piping bag - you can see the whole process in the video recipe) - cool it again and spread the other half of the cream on top.
Decorate as desired - crumble the remains of biscuits on top, add fresh fruit, mint leaves... the ideas are endless and all are effective and beautiful! I saw the cake at @tarraluu's - and the recipe is from coolinarika - there are several versions of the cream, combinations of fruits, stacking the crust, playing with the decoration and presentation, and each one is equally beautiful to me! The taste of spinach is not noticeable at all, the cake is a little foam heaven and I can't wait to repeat it! .
. Enjoy 💚❤️#justkatebake #recipe #recept #recepti


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