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[Event "Margate"]
[Site "Margate ENG"]
[Date "1935.04.27"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Samuel Reshevsky"]
[Black "Jose Raul Capablanca"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D51"]
[PlyCount "109"]
[EventDate "1935.04.24"]
{Margate (1935) The chess club at Margate, a seaside resort in England, held
the first of five consecutive international tournaments in the spring of 1935.
Former world champion Jose Capablanca was invited to participate and he was
amicable considering his success at numerous British tournaments such as
Hastings. Samuel Reshevsky participated on behalf of the United States, and
Ernst Ludwig Klein traveled from Austria. The remaining seven seats in the
tournament went to the following chess masters from the United Kingdom:
William Albert Fairhurst, women's world champion Vera Menchik, Jacques Mieses,
Philip Stuart Milner-Barry, Brian Patrick Reilly, Edward G Sergeant, and
George Alan Thomas. The tournament proceeded in a surprising fashion, largely
due to the aggressive and often brilliant play of young Reshevsky.
Conventional wisdom had Capablanca as the sure bet going into the competition,
and he took an early lead following his win in the third round against 70 year
old Mieses. But the turning point came in the fourth round when Reshevsky (who
was only 23) defeated the former champion of the world in this game: Reshevsky
vs Capablanca, 1935} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 d5 4. Bg5 Nbd7 5. cxd5 exd5 6.
e3 Be7 7. Bd3 O-O 8. Qc2 c5 9. Nf3 c4 10. Bf5 Re8 11. O-O g6 12. Bh3 Nf8 13.
Bxc8 Rxc8 14. Bxf6 Bxf6 15. b3 Qa5 (15... cxb3 16. Qxb3) 16. b4 Qd8 (16... Qxb4
17. Rab1 Qa5 18. Rxb7) 17. Qa4 a6 (17... Ra8 18. Qb5) 18. b5 Re6 (18... a5 19.
b6 Qxb6 20. Nxd5 Qd6 21. Qxa5) 19. Rab1 Rb8 20. Rb2 Be7 21. bxa6 (21. Rfb1 a5
22. b6 Bb4) 21... Rxa6 (21... bxa6 22. Rxb8 Qxb8 23. Nxd5) 22. Qc2 Ne6 23. Rfb1
Ra7 24. a4 Nc7 25. Ne5 Qe8 26. f4 (26. e4 f6 27. Ng4 Qd7 28. Qe2 dxe4 29. Qxc4+
Kg7 30. d5 f5 31. Qd4+ Kg8 32. Nh6+) 26... f6 27. Ng4 Qd7 28. h3 (28. Nf2 f5)
28... Kg7 29. Nf2 Ba3 30. Ra2 Bd6 31. Nfd1 f5 32. Nb5 Ra5 33. Nxc7 Bxc7 34. Nc3
Qd6 35. Qf2 b6 36. Qf3 Rd8 37. Rab2 Qe7 38. Rb4 (38. Rb5 Qa3 39. Ne2 Rxa4)
38... Rd7 39. Kh1 Bd8 40. g4 fxg4 41. hxg4 Qd6 42. Kg1 Bc7 43. Kf2 Rf7 44. g5
Bd8 45. Ke2 Bxg5 {bAD MISTAKE} (45... Qe6 46. Kd2 Qf5 47. Qe2 Re7) 46. Rxb6 Qa3
47. Kd2 Be7 48. Rb7 Rxa4 (48... Rf5) 49. Qxd5 (49. Nxa4 Qd3+ 50. Kc1 (50. Ke1
Bh4+) 50... Ba3+ 51. R7b2 (51. Nb2 Rxb7) 51... c3) 49... Ra5 50. Qxc4 Rh5 51.
Kd3 Qa8 (51... Rh2 52. Rd7) 52. Qe6 Qa3 53. Rd7 (53. R1b3 Qc1 54. Rxe7 Qf1+ 55.
Kd2 Rh2+) 53... Rhf5 (53... Rh2 54. Rbb7 Qa1 55. Rxe7 Qf1+ 56. Ke4 Qg2+ 57. Ke5
Rh5+ 58. Kd6) 54. Rb3 Qa1 55. Rxe7 1-0
Instructive game tags: child prodigy, amazing child prodigy, time-trouble reputation, many times US champion, margate, Queens gambit declined, exchange variation, avoiding minority attack, aggressive c5, releasing tension, vulnerable center pawn, weakening d5 pawn, weak d5 pawn, undermining, pawn sac, d5 pawn fatal flaw, routes to attack d5 pawn, Qb5 maneuver, doubling rooks, b-file doubling, b-file pressure, passive pieces, knight fork threat, exploiting pinned pawn threat, Ne5-g4-e3 possibility, ways of attacking d5, knight maneuver plan, f4 move, f4 for knight maneuver, removing defender, removing pawn defender, Qf3 for attacking d5, forcing patient defence, backward e pawn, h-file rook transfer, two backward pawns, making opponent lose patience, capablanca outplayed, capablanca outplayed positionally, cheapo, cheapo ignored, keeping clarity, capablanca positionally crushed, positional crush, major upset, major chess upset, book author, winning material
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