"Call of Duty Modern Warefare"

Описание к видео "Call of Duty Modern Warefare"

To cover the escape of the S.A.S. squad, an allied C-130 with tons of ammo (read infinite) with three different weapons will be in the sky and raining death on the enemies who threaten the guys you just played.

Although the game will notify you of the basics, there are some ticks you will eventually pick up as you fail over and over again on this mission. First off, learn the difference between White Hot and Black Hot.

As you can see from the above two images, Black Hot makes hot things appear darker. This means humans will appear as dark silhouettes. In White Hot, hot things appear as bright white. This mode is generally easier for you to see if a running person has an IR strobe on him, as they appear extraordinarily bright and blinky on WHOT mode.

Weapon wise, you have three weapons. However the game will automatically zoom your view depending on the weapon used. Therefore, to get the whole view, you need to change your weapon to the 105 mm cannon. To get a zoomed in view, use the 25 mm cannon.

There are a few things to remember about this mission:

Your 40 mm cannon is probably the best for killing enemies and vehicles since the explosion is fairly small and controllable.

The 105 mm cannon is slow to reload, but generally kills everything in the blast radius, including friendly S.A.S.

The church where enemies come from cannot be damaged in anyway.

The friendly vehicles and extraction choppers cannot be damaged in anyway.

Friendly soldiers are easier to see as "strobing" if WHOT is used; if in doubt, do not fire and wait until your allies kill the enemy or until you are absolutely sure of the identity of the target.

Switch between WHOT and BHOT to refresh your view.

Apart from those things, there's enough checkpoints and ammo on your side that you can muscle through this with little difficulty.


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