Platforms = (Architecture + DDD + Automation) x Wholesale - Gregor Hohpe | PlatformCon 2024

Описание к видео Platforms = (Architecture + DDD + Automation) x Wholesale - Gregor Hohpe | PlatformCon 2024

Building a platform requires you to map your architecture domain to cloud automation.

Platforms abstract away those details that increase developers’ cognitive load and make applications brittle or non-compliant. But how exactly do platforms do that? By fixing some cloud service settings or gluing a portal in front of account creation? Not so likely! Platforms must cast common architectures into a meta-model, define a better domain language for developers, and integrate that with cloud automation. And, as this is done across projects, it should be available wholesale! Sound like a handful? It is, but this talk, based on the recent book Platform Strategy, guides you to platform development bliss.

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