Thermodynamic Stability | Molecular Dynamics | Material Studio | DFT | Urdu

Описание к видео Thermodynamic Stability | Molecular Dynamics | Material Studio | DFT | Urdu

NVE stands for constant volume, constant energy. This ensemble is the simplest and most computationally efficient, but it is also the least realistic. In an NVE ensemble, the total energy of the system is conserved, but the temperature and pressure are allowed to fluctuate. This ensemble is useful for simulating systems that are isolated from their surroundings, such as a gas in a sealed container.

NVT stands for constant volume, constant temperature. This ensemble is more realistic than NVE, as it maintains a constant temperature. This is done by using a thermostat, which is a numerical algorithm that exchanges energy with the system to keep it at the desired temperature. The NVT ensemble is useful for simulating systems that are in contact with a heat bath, such as a liquid at its boiling point.

NPH stands for constant pressure, constant enthalpy. This ensemble is similar to NVT, but it maintains a constant pressure instead of a constant volume. This is done by using a barostat, which is a numerical algorithm that changes the size of the simulation cell to keep the pressure constant. The NPH ensemble is useful for simulating systems that are in contact with a pressure bath, such as a gas in a piston-cylinder.

NPT stands for constant pressure, constant temperature. This ensemble is the most realistic of the four, as it maintains both a constant pressure and a constant temperature. This is done by using both a thermostat and a barostat. The NPT ensemble is useful for simulating systems that are in contact with both a heat bath and a pressure bath, such as a liquid in a sealed container.

Uses and conditions of NVE, NVT, NPH, and NPT in Materials Studio:

NVE: NVE is often used for initial equilibration of systems, as it is the most computationally efficient ensemble. It can also be used to simulate systems that are isolated from their surroundings, such as a gas in a sealed container.
NVT: NVT is the most commonly used ensemble in Materials Studio, as it is both computationally efficient and realistic. It is useful for simulating systems that are in contact with a heat bath, such as a liquid at its boiling point.
NPH: NPH is often used to simulate systems that are in contact with a pressure bath, such as a gas in a piston-cylinder. It can also be used to simulate systems that undergo phase changes, such as a liquid boiling or a solid melting.
NPT: NPT is the most realistic ensemble, but it is also the most computationally expensive. It is useful for simulating systems that are in contact with both a heat bath and a pressure bath, such as a liquid in a sealed container.


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