Lobotomy Corporation - Yesod Meltdown

Описание к видео Lobotomy Corporation - Yesod Meltdown

Did you know worker management sims have boss battles? I sure didn't. Lobotomy Corporation is a fun game.

The Yesod meltdown boss battle takes what is arguably the most important part of a management sim, the UI, and rudely robs you of it. What's left is a challenge of muscle memory and intuition where you have to remember which abnormalities are where and which employees are best suited to take them on (not that you can see them). Later in the day the entire stage becomes difficult to see, and that made Parasite Tree a way more dangerous entity, since I couldn't see the mind-controlled employees unless I reeaallly looked for them.

A worse game would've really botched the concept and made something where the UI change was completely meaningless, or made the game unplayable. The fact that it's as much fun as it is speaks to the quality of this game.


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