「素食」vlog.一人食早餐记录 | 如何在家量产墨西哥卷饼 还有纯素抹茶拿铁哦~

Описание к видео 「素食」vlog.一人食早餐记录 | 如何在家量产墨西哥卷饼 还有纯素抹茶拿铁哦~


饼皮/Burrito Wrap:
中筋面粉 180g All-Purpose Flour
全麦面粉 120g Whole Wheat Flour
水 180g Water
盐 4g Salt
赤砂糖 10g Brown Sugar
橄榄油 10g Olive Oil
酵母 6g Yeast
(PS: If you want to freeze it for storage, just cook it for a shorter period of time, so when you reheat it, it will taste like fresh)

茭白 Zizania Root
包浆豆腐或普通老豆腐 Firm Tofu
小番茄 Cherry Tomato
生菜 Lettuce
蘑菇 Mushroom
麻薯芝士(加了麻薯芝士味道很出彩) Mochi Cheese (it will give it a more complex taste and flavor)

海盐 Sea Salt
黑胡椒 Black Pepper

纯芝麻酱 两小匙 2 Tsp Sesame Sauce (or Tahini)
苹果醋或柠檬汁 一小匙 2 Tsp Apple Cider Vinegar or Lemon Juice
枫糖浆或其它甜味剂 一小匙 1 Tsp Maple Syrup or Other Sweeteners
Tabasco辣椒酱 ½小匙 1/2 Tp Tabasco Sauce

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My name is Chu and I am a vegan enthusiast, thanks for visiting my channel, I hope you enjoy it.

My philosophy is vegan dishes can be delicious! And I invite you to join me in making the world a sweeter place!

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