Diversion Part 1: Virtuoso - The VR Jamming App

Описание к видео Diversion Part 1: Virtuoso - The VR Jamming App

Yes, of course, you should cope with your grief, process it. Blah blah blah.

I have my own ways of coping with grief and that is distraction through music. And that's why I'm taking the opportunity now and making a few videos that I've been planning for a long time but which I haven't been able to record for various reasons.


Yes friends, this is VR content and I love VR content, not only when it comes to music. I love everything that has to do with technology, I'm a nerd. So today it's about virtual reality and I can assure you that when KORG Gadget VR appears at the end of the year, one or the other will consider getting VR glasses:

   • Korg Gadget VR - First Look  

I've known Virtuoso for almost 2 years because this app was released for the Oculus Rift and then as a free app for the Quest. I was fascinated from day one not only because of the sounds but, you know me, because of the ease of use. It is absolutely user-friendly and fun from the first minute. Even for beginners.

Besides the numerous instruments and samples, you can also loop everything you play, which is great of course.

But the hammer comes at the end: You can also operate the whole thing with MIDI and then operate up to 16 instruments with Virtuoso. I will also show a video about it. So far I have tested the whole thing with 4 Volcas. Absolutely latent free.

What do you think of VR in general and the possibility of making music directly with your hands there? Which of you has VR glasses, for example the Oculus (I won't say META, for me it will always be Oculus) Quest or Quest 2? Let's talk about it in the comments. #####################################################

Show the World what you love: https://volcaniced.myspreadshop.de/

How I record my Videos:    • How I record my Videos - A short Over...  

Check out my free Patch Packages for MicroMonsta 2 and MicroFreak on Gumroad:

MicroMonsta: volcaniced.gumroad.com/l/MicroMonsta2Patches
MicroFreak: volcaniced.gumroad.com/l/KqyQnr

Most of the Time I am using the Specular Reverb v3 for my jams.
Sometimes the NTS-1 with the Cathedral Preset or just the iPad.


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