815 Pine Full Deck Cycle Time Lapse - Seattle, Washington

Описание к видео 815 Pine Full Deck Cycle Time Lapse - Seattle, Washington

Conco is often asked to accelerate the construction process in order to get a project to market rapidly. A case in point is 815 Pine, a 40-story residential tower in downtown Seattle, owned by the Holland Partner Group. The owner was adamant that the project was to be built on time regardless of weather conditions in the ever-changing Seattle market.

Conco was tasked with constructing a complete floor every week. This time-lapsed video of Level 34 pour day through Level 35 pour day illustrates how we have accomplished this. Major tasks completed by day were:

Day 1: Pour slab, core slab, walls, & columns. Start framing Level 35 deck.
Day 2: Jump core form. Strip columns. Complete L35 deck. Charge boundary elements. MEP layout.
Day 3: MEP layout. Edge forms. PSR rail install. Core rebar install. Bottom mat rebar.
Day 4: Perimeter panels jumped. PT install. Core walls complete.
Day 5: MEP/Pex pipe installed. Top of slab formwork. Embed installation. Charge column rebar cages. Clear deck, prepped for pour.

In the case of 815 Pine, a 5-day cycle using a single shift fit the construction schedule and exceeded the expectations of the developer.

Working with general contractors and owners, Conco strives to find solutions that meet the demands of each unique project for which it provides services.


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