Samsung galaxy s9 vs iPhone 8 in 2023

Описание к видео Samsung galaxy s9 vs iPhone 8 in 2023

Assalam O Alikum, Welcome to "iphone lover" YouTube Channel.
iPhone 8 vs Galaxy S9 Speed Test! In this video we take a
look at the Apple iPhone 8 with it's A11 Bionic chip and 2GB of
ram vs Samsung Galaxy S9 with it's Snapdragon 845 chip and
4GB with the intentions on seeing which is the better buy
when it comes to there everyday and real world performance.
Do you have either phone? Be sure to go ahead and comment
your experience below with either and any further questions,
comments, concerns, feedback, suggestions, please be sure
to go ahead and post that down below in the comment
section of this video. As always thank you for watching and be
sure to be well and peace:)
#apple #youtube #iphone #android #fyp


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