Duo for Piano and Zheng: Leaving the White Emperor Town at Dawn. 古筝钢琴重奏:早发白帝城)

Описание к видео Duo for Piano and Zheng: Leaving the White Emperor Town at Dawn. 古筝钢琴重奏:早发白帝城)

Inspired by the famous Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai’s poem “Leaving the White Emperor Town at Dawn,” Xiaole Li composed this Duo for Piano and Zheng (Chinese zither). The piano introduction depicts the morning colorful clouds in the White Emperor Town. The Zheng’s melody presents a tune that resembles the reciting poem of Li bai.

This duo enlivens the poem’s narrative: with the monkeys ’ sad adieux the riverbanks were loud, Li Bai’s skiff left thousands of mountains far away in one day. This rehearsal video reflects the conflux of Eastern and Western music cultures in musicians’ imagination and exploration.
有感于李白的诗“早发白帝城,”Xiaole Li 创作了这首二重奏。钢琴的引子描绘了早晨白帝城的彩云和山景。筝的旋律呈现了李白诗句的吟唱曲调。此曲表现了在江边猿猴啼声中,李白乘轻舟过万重山的豪迈浪漫情怀。这个排练视频反映了音乐人对东西方音乐文化融合的想象和探索。


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