Decorah Goose Cam ~ GOSLINGS TAKE A LEAP OF FAITH & JUMP! Full Coverage! ALL 6 SEEN IN WATER 4.26.23

Описание к видео Decorah Goose Cam ~ GOSLINGS TAKE A LEAP OF FAITH & JUMP! Full Coverage! ALL 6 SEEN IN WATER 4.26.23

It is an exciting and scary time for the goslings to have to leap off the nest to the ground and follow Mom. One by one all six goslings take that leap of faith and jump off the nest as Mom and Dad are calling them to come join them.

From RRP: "Our 6 goslings took the Big Leap early this morning.
They were very quick about it. Began around 7:40am CT (nest time). Mother Goose got up and left and all 6 went in a couple minutes with no further encouragement. Five of them showed up to the parents waiting below before too long. A sixth took longer and seemed to be unable to maneuver in the water. RRP was able to rescue this one and send it to their veterinarian to be checked out as it seemed to have an issue with a leg. Any further updates will be posted when we receive them."

Coverage from our cam operators captures 4 of the 6 goslings jumping and then we see five of them on the ground. It is hard work walking on the bushy ground but they manage to follow Mom and Dad as they head toward the water. Another goose lands in the nest briefly as Mom and Dad honk at it. The nest is now vacant so visitors can come and go as they please. Five goslings make their way to the water and swim for the first time with Mom and Dad. At the end of the video at 34:47 we see all six goslings in the water (one gosling was having difficulty swimming & has been rescued and is in the care of the vet right now) It is not know at this time which of the six goslings was the injured one.

Congratulations to our Canada Goose family and their goslings! I wish them all a safe and long life! Many thanks to RRP & the wonderful cam operators in giving us this incredible coverage today!Thank you for watching! #RRP #goslingsjump

Video captured & edited by Lady Hawk

Many thanks to Raptor Resource Project RRP and on their live cam!


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