Addictive Drums 2 snare/kick tryouts Dual Angle

Описание к видео Addictive Drums 2 snare/kick tryouts Dual Angle

An hour of messing around, practicing things, trying out various snare and kick drum "voicings" using Addictive Drums 2 with my modified Alesis DM10X.. it's got a Laurin Snare and Kick, has the Pro X hi-hat upgrade but I replaced the top cymbal with a Pearl crash instead of the stiff one that came with it.. have an extra Pearl crash (same as the Alesis crashes, just has a Pearl logo). This DM10X was the model that came with Mylar heads so I did a mesh converstion (682Drums cones + Roland Vdrum heads), have a set of Mapex double kick pedals, Network hi-hat stand. On the computer, Addictive Drums 2 as a plugin through Ableton Live 10 Lite, and I bought a tiny trackpad keyboard for easier set / kitpiece / volume changes.. it's on a spare module mount with a sticky pad to keep if from falling, the mount is held by two joined percussion grips to the frame, tucks it away in between the hi-hat and the 1st tom.

I haven't toyed with trigger settings in years on my set, since moving to Addictive.. but I find the toms sometimes don't properly trigger when I play doubles, or softly. And sometimes there are double triggers and ghost notes. But for the most part I've got things dialed in pretty well, even the Pro X hi-hat setup is working fairly decent, allowing me to get a variety of open levels, decent barking, chicking and splashing and depending on which hi-hat I've chosen, can do some ok 32nds on top but again, it drops notes at times but overall it's pretty decent overall. The ride bell comes through better with some of the ride options than others.. never used the bell much before so I have to find that sweet spot and smack it hard but sometimes it comes through clearer using the tip of the stick instead of laying into it.

My Alesis DM10X has fairly shallow drum shells, just black plastic, so I've got strips of rose sparkle (was a wall border roll) stuck around each tom. The snare and all the toms had the rubber edge savers but recently I took them all off.. I like the look of the white mesh with the chrome hoops, looks more real. For filming I was using my Samsung Galaxy S7 on a selfie tripod on a table over to my right, and my Samsung Gear360 cam single lens on a Poloaroid tripod in front up high. The phone cam lets me shoot about 20 minutes 2gb) per video so there were about 3 sections (it looses a couple seconds when it saves a video and starts the next automatically). The 360 cam usually does 20 mintues / 2gb but I think I changed something, I ended up with six 8 minute videos and one 5 minute one.. although it seems to not lose any time when it ends one and autostarts the next.

Then I bring it all into Davinci Resolve 16, mute the camera audio tracks, line them all up with my Ableton audio export, splice out as many of the kitpiece change moments as possible, trim the beginning and end, and finally go through the two angles and try to go back and forth between them tastefully... this is my first multi angle video so I did try to do some angle switches during lengthy rolls or on crash hits, tried to get both angles on recurring hi-hat hits and things like that. Some day I'll learn how Davinci Resolve does fades and other effects.. it was a good 3 hours this afternoon doing just this stuff, it's a long learning curve.


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