PSYCLONE | Track 01 | Jontro-Naar Jontronaa | Nistaar Nei |

Описание к видео PSYCLONE | Track 01 | Jontro-Naar Jontronaa | Nistaar Nei |

This song is all about the present scenario of education system. It presents a gloomy sight of how individual ideas, creativity, wisdom are ignored and emphasis is laid upon only skill and training in the name of education. This song voices the pain of an individual who refuses to become a machine and consequently struggles to survive painfully.
The song is littered with verbal ambiguities also known as PUN or Paronomasia, the title also indicates the same.

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YouTube @BanglaBandPSYCLONE
Gmail [email protected]

Track 07: Calypso? Na Kolospotri?
   • PSYCLONE | Track 07 | Calypso? Na Kol...  

Track 06: Pathetic PHALLUS-Y
   • PSYCLONE | Track 06 | Pathetic PHALLU...  

Track 05: ZUGZWANG
   • PSYCLONE | Track 05 | ZUGZWANG | Nist...  

Track 04: EXODUS
   • PSYCLONE | Track 04 | EXODUS | Nistaa...  

Track 03: Oti Lobhe Jaati Noshhto
   • PSYCLONE | Track 03 | Oti Lobhe Jaati...  

Track 02: Mohenjo-Daro
   • PSYCLONE | Track 02 | Mohenjo-Daro | ...  

Track 00: An Invocation to EiSwoytaan
   • PSYCLONE | Track 00 | An Invocation t...  

An Introduction to the Members
   • PSYCLONE | INTRO | A Bio Let | Bangla...  

We have uploaded 6 studio updates. If you have missed them, the links are given below

STUDIO UPDATE 6-    • PSYCLONE | Studio Update 6 | Bangla B...  
STUDIO UPDATE 5 -    • PSYCLONE | Studio Update 5 | Bangla B...  
STUDIO UPDATE 4 -    • PSYCLONE | Studio Update 4 | Bangla B...  
STUDIO UPDATE 3 -    • PSYCLONE | Studio Update 3 | Bangla B...  
STUDIO UPDATE 2 -    • PSYCLONE | Studio Update 2 | Bangla B...  
STUDIO UPDATE 1 -    • PSYCLONE | Studio Update 1 | Bangla B...  



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