Brewer: Marche Heroique; Samuel Backman, organist

Описание к видео Brewer: Marche Heroique; Samuel Backman, organist

Though busied with his duties as organist and choirmaster of Gloucester Cathedral, A. Herbert Brewer found time to compose numerous works for choir, organ, voice, and orchestra. The present Marche Héroïque is heavily reminiscent of the Pomp and Circumstances marches of Sir Edward Elgar. Not only does their character mirror that of Elgar’s works, but even the architectural form and scheme of the work is essentially identical to the blueprint of the Pomp and Circumstance Marches.

This recording was taken from a live performance by organist Samuel Backman on April 5, 2019. The organ is Op. 111 of C.B. Fisk.


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