STRETCH REFLEXES by Professor Fink

Описание к видео STRETCH REFLEXES by Professor Fink

In Part 1 of Professor Fink's 2-Part Series on Somatic Motor Reflexes, he first reviews the voluntary [Pyramidal Tract] and involuntary [Extrapyramidal Tract] neural pathways to the somatic motorneurons. Professor Fink then describes the neural basis of the antigravity Stretch Reflexes, including Patellar Reflex [Stretch Reflex of the Quadriceps] and the Biceps Reflex [Stretch Reflex of the Biceps brachii]. Reference is made to Muscle Spindles, intrafusal muscle fibers, Muscle Stretch Receptors, Gamma Somatic Motorneurons, Reciprocal Innervation of Antagonist muscles, the Plantar Reflex and Babinski Sign.

Check-out professor fink's web-site or additional resources in Biology, Anatomy, Physiology & Pharmacology:

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“Hard Copy” Lecture Outlines can be purchased from the WLAC Bookstore at:


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