Sasquatch Chronicles | Season 1 | Episode 8 | The Creature Never Took His Eyes Off Me

Описание к видео Sasquatch Chronicles | Season 1 | Episode 8 | The Creature Never Took His Eyes Off Me

*Please note: This episode has previously aired on the Sasquatch Chronicles podcast as Episode 586, and is being featured with express permission.

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Tonight we will speak with David from California and Linda from Maine.

David recounts an encounter he had in the 1980's near Huntington Lake up in the high Sierra Nevada mountains, ""tucked away at about 7000 feet in the John Muir Wilderness."" He was able to observe a creature from a short distance for several minutes. David writes, ""He never took his eyes off me as he walked away. A part of me was glad that he was leaving me in peace. But the curiosity part of me didn’t want him to. He was still looking at me as he was walking away. I raised my arm and slowly waved and said “Don’t go.” This is going to really seem stupid but none-the-less true. He stopped for a moment and very slowly raised his right arm ever so slightly…then walked into the redwoods. I was relieved but stunned. I cannot believe that I asked it to stay! I don’t know what I was hoping for in doing that. I do believe that this being was very intelligent. It had a curiosity and wonderment just as we do. I also believe….no, I KNOW, that this creature could have pounded me into the earth like a hot knife goes through soft butter. But yet it chose not to. I am more than grateful for that.”

I will also be speaking to Linda who writes, ""I just listened to the new episode and after hearing about Maine I have to ask. Have you ever heard of these creatures yelling HELP ME? I have a camp up there and the last time I was there I could hear arguing in the woods with a strange dog like bark. The next night same thing only this time they were on my property. Closer but I could not understand a word of it sounded like jibberish. I kept saying hello who’s out there? Then it yelled help me. Not like someone in need but more of maybe we can get her to come to the brook. I froze. Then back and forth arguing continued then again it yells help meeeeeee but really long drawn out. It scared me. Now I know there is no one out there. I mean no one...""

Hosted by Wes Germer
Directed by Wes Germer

#LesStroud #Survivorman #SasquatchChronicles


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