The Energy Future Forum - 2024

Описание к видео The Energy Future Forum - 2024

The Energy Future Forum is a one-day event featuring one-on-one conversations with the foremost experts across energy and environmental policy, capital markets, alternative energy, automotive, oil & gas, mining, nuclear energy, and the grid. The forum took place in Washington, D.C. on June 26, 2024.

0:00 David DesRosiers - Welcome
10:07 Mark Mills - Guessing the energy future & the physics of money
25:15 Jesse Ausubel - Renewables are not green
55:40 Terrence Keeley - Massive capital (mis)allocations
1:27:49 Neil Atkinson - Policy aspirations and the oil problem
1:59:00 Gill Pratt - The future of the automobile
2:28:51 John Ardill - Deep water: unlocking untapped potential
2:58:44 Toby Rice - Our role in massive, unmet LNG demand
3:28:32 Hon. Spencer Abraham - Realities at the epicenter of government energy policies
3:57:46 Emily Olson - Revolutions in technology for energy minerals
4:30:06 Jacob DeWitte - Tiny nukes
4:59:30 Hon. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) - The big compromise, solar + natural gas
5:29:49 Chris Wright - Peak shale?
6:00:07 James Danly - The big short: the path to building enough electric transmission
6:28:48 Zabrina Johal - Fifty years to fusion dreams?

Forum Co-Chairs

David DesRosiers - President, RealClearFoundation / An introduction to a day of dialogues on the intersection of policy aspirations and technology realities.

Mark Mills - Executive Director, National Center for Energy Analytics / Setting the stage with a big-picture prospectus on the future of energy supply and demand.


Jesse Ausubel - Director, Program for the Human Environment, Rockefeller University / Expert human environmentalist tackles questions fundamental to modern environmental sensibilities and addresses whether renewable energy sources are unique or are, in fact, “green."

Terrence Keeley - Chairman and CEO of 1PointSix / Former Senior Advisor at Blackrock discusses the role of capital in energy markets, the economic, social, and political “spill-overs,” and whether today’s energy policy trends are creating massive capital misallocations.

Neil Atkinson - Former Head of Oil Industry & Markets Division, International Energy Agency / The realities that energy policy aspirations will inevitably face when they intersect the “oil problem” of fueling civilization.

Gill Pratt - Chief Scientist of Toyota Motor Corporation / A dialogue about the current state and future of technologies in transportation.

John Ardill - VP and Head of Global Exploration, ExxonMobil / Exploring the role of oil & gas in the foreseeable future and the possibilities afforded by new technologies to unlock supplies.

Toby Rice - President & CEO, EQT Corporation / With the U.S. now the world’s natural gas powerhouse and LNG exporter, what could go wrong, or right, in meeting massive future demands for LNG?

Hon. Spencer Abraham - Former Secretary of Energy / A candid conversation with the former Secretary of Energy, dissecting realities at the epicenter of government energy policies, especially at times of domestic or international crises.

Emily Olson - Chief Sustainability & Corporate Affairs Officer, Vale Base Metals / A look at the mining sector’s political, technological, and social challenges, both in the U.S. and globally, in meeting soaring demands for “energy minerals” to build “green” hardware.

Jacob DeWitte - CEO and co-founder, Oklo Nuclear / Sharing the potential for nuclear energy to change the landscape, and the key impediments to and levers for success for the U.S. to reestablish leadership.

Hon. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) - Former U.S. Senator. Senior Policy Advisor for Van Ness Feldman, LLP / Discussing the realities of the scale of demand for reliable electricity, pointing to the opportunity to combine the features of natural gas and solar power.

Chris Wright - Founder & CEO, Liberty Energy / A deep dive into the technological and political future of the “great” American shale revolution, and the potential role for the U.S. in moderating both energy prices and security challenges.

James Danly - Former FERC Chairman / Examining the need for more transmission capabilities at the intersection of state and federal authorities and energy policy aspirations.

Zabrina Johal - Senior Director of Strategic Development, General Atomics / Exploring the long-term potential for nuclear fusion and whether those dreams are still, and always will be, “fifty years away.”


Peter Bryant - Chairman, Clareo / A recognized thought leader on the energy transition and the criticality of the minerals value chain.

Rupert Darwall - Senior Fellow at RealClearFoundation / Researching such issues as energy and environmental policy and corporate governance.

Scott Tinker - Chairman, Switch Energy Alliance. CEO, Tinker Energy Associates / Energy expert bringing industry, government, academia, and nongovernmental organizations together to address major societal challenges in energy, the environment, and the economy.


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