💧 How to Make Moon Water Blessed and Magickal! Spell to Energize Water

Описание к видео 💧 How to Make Moon Water Blessed and Magickal! Spell to Energize Water

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Frequently Asked Questions about Moon Water

How long do I have to leave water out to make moon water?

Place the water outside at night and collect it before the sunset. 4 or 5 hours is enough time to make moon water.

What is moon water good for?

Moon Water can be used to charge any of your rituals or spells with the specific energy and power of a given moon phase, such as the full moon. So, if you didn't have time to cast a spell in the full moon, you can cast it later on and placing some Full Moon water on your altar.

How to make a quick moon water with crystals?

To make a crystal-infused moon water, place some rain or tap water on a transparent glass jar. Make sure your it's safe to wash your crystal with water (Most are, but Pearl and Peridot are not).


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