Описание к видео MAITINO: LEVITATING

Maitino Tribute Video!
-(The story of Maite Zaldúa & Camino Pasamar from "Acacias 38")
-"Levitating" By. Dua Lipa

-I found some video projects in the que that I haven't finished. I thought I would finish this up while you wait for me to resume releasing the rest of the Matino Storyline & Maite Zaldúa Scenes!! Also, if you have any ideas for the BIG (PART 10) of Maitino Spin-Off TV Comics...drop me a line! I hope you enjoy it! As always, if you have any requests for fan videos, GIFs, Photo Edits etc...let me know! You can find out where to find me on my channel page!!
-Froglet XO

**I spend HOURS making these videos for everyone's enjoyment! I don't get paid to do them! PLEASE consider giving me constructive criticism before pressing DISLIKE! I think with the HOURS of work I spend on them, I deserve more than a half a second it takes for you to press dislike! Or, just move on. Not giving a LIKE is a signal enough you don't like it! It takes as much energy to be nice as it does to be mean. Just saying...

TRANSLATED: ** ¡Paso HORAS haciendo estos videos para el disfrute de todos! ¡No me pagan por hacerlas! POR FAVOR, considere darme una crítica constructiva antes de presionar ¡NO ME GUSTA! Creo que con las HORAS de trabajo que dedico a ellos, merezco más de medio segundo que tardas en pulsar ¡No me gusta! O simplemente sigue adelante. ¡No dar un LIKE es una señal suficiente de que no te gusta! Se necesita tanta energía para ser amable como para ser malo. Solo digo...


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