7 Delicious SWEET POTATO Varieties Grown in Wisconsin | Sweet Potato Taste Test | Guten Yardening

Описание к видео 7 Delicious SWEET POTATO Varieties Grown in Wisconsin | Sweet Potato Taste Test | Guten Yardening

7 Delicious SWEET POTATO Varieties Grown in Wisconsin | Sweet Potato Taste Test | Guten Yardening

We have expanded the number of sweet potato varieties we have grown over the past few years as we try new colors and flavors. In this video, we will describe the taste and texture of 7 of the varieties of sweet potatoes we grew this year in our zone 5 garden.

These varieties are: Hannah Sweet Potatoes, Japanese Red Sweet Potatoes, Georgia Jet Sweet Potatoes, Centennial Sweet Potatoes, Carolina Ruby Sweet Potatoes, Purple Passion Sweet Potatoes (loaded with anthocyanin), and Okinawan Sweet Potatoes.

Each of these varieties has its own distinct texture and flavor. Some are sweeter than others, and some are more versatile, but all are exceptional, and we have enjoyed growing and eating each variety.

We think that expanding the varieties of sweet potatoes that you grow can introduce you to a world of unique flavors beyond the ones you might find in the grocery store.

We hope you enjoy this taste test and draw some inspiration for varieties you might want to plant in the future.

You can buy some of these varieties from tatorman.com.
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