Low Potassium Diet For Kidney Disease: How To Eat All The Potatoes You Want.Low Potassium Renal Diet

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After reviewing a study performed by the Journal of Renal Nutrition, in May 2020, we learned a way to prepare & consume delicious potatoes on a kidney disease diet.
#lowpotassiumdiet #kidneydisease #renaldiet

There have always been distinctive preparation methods to lower potassium in foods, especially for individuals dealing with kidney disease. A low potassium diet is recommended for kidney disease individuals. Now, a lot of these methods would work to reduce the potassium but never really a good acceptable amount that is consumable in a kidney disease diet.

A lot of people like potatoes, whether it's fried or boiled. They’re low protein also but they’re high in potassium. A low potassium diet is more likely to help you keep your blood pressure low as a bonus.

The best way to prepare them so you can get around 70% leached out of the potatoes.

First, you cook, then soak, then you consume it.
So firstly you would cook them (whatever way you’re going to cook it), following that you would soak them in a pot of fresh water for 2 to 4 hours, and then you may consume them.

You might want to modify the seasonings and condiments according to your preference and it shouldn’t be a problem if you include some oil or vegetable oil. You can throw them back in a pan for a couple minutes with the seasonings and dressings.

This method helps to reduce the potassium content by 70% down and that’s a solid amount and you may even include them more often in your diet.

This might be a valid meal if you’re looking to restrict potassium in your diet and include potatoes. These are just some measures you can implement in order to follow a low potassium diet especially for a person dealing with kidney disease.

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