85. 02/09/2024 Isabel Martin-Lyons (Keele University, UK)

Описание к видео 85. 02/09/2024 Isabel Martin-Lyons (Keele University, UK)

Title: Skew Bracoids

Abstract: The skew brace was devised by Guanieri and Vendramin in 2017, building on Rump's brace. Since then, the skew brace has been central to the study of solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation, with connections to many other areas of mathematics including Hopf-Galois theory. We introduce the skew bracoid, a generalisation of the skew brace which can arise as a partial quotient thereof. We explore the connection between skew bracoids and Hopf-Galois theory, as well as the more recent connection to solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation.



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