【郊野公園「搵野」講 - 香港郊野甲蟲】【BioBlitz “Wild” Talk – Beetles in Hong Kong Country Parks】

Описание к видео 【郊野公園「搵野」講 - 香港郊野甲蟲】【BioBlitz “Wild” Talk – Beetles in Hong Kong Country Parks】

【香港郊野甲蟲 Beetles in Hong Kong Country Parks】

講者:饒戈先生 Mr. Vor YIU
香港昆蟲學會副會長 Vice-chairman, Hong Kong Entomological Society

Mr. Yiu Vor is the Vice-Chairman of the Hong Kong Entomological Society and the Red List Authority Coordinator for the IUCN SSC Firefly Specialist Group. He is one of the few local entomologists in Hong Kong, focusing on local Coleoptera, with a particular interest in fireflies and longhorn beetles. Mr. Yiu has published several articles on the taxonomy and ecology of fireflies in Hong Kong, including the discovery of new firefly species that were previously unknown to science. To promote entomology, Mr. Yiu has also published a number of books and field guides, such as "A Photographic Guide to Hong Kong Beetles 1", "Fireflies of Hong Kong", and "Longhorn Beetles of Hong Kong".

主辦單位:漁農自然護理署 承辦單位:香港戶外生態教育協會


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