Did I Make The Largest Ever Laser Photo Engraving? - Sculpfun S9/S10 Expansion Kit Review

Описание к видео Did I Make The Largest Ever Laser Photo Engraving? - Sculpfun S9/S10 Expansion Kit Review

This awesome laser engraver expansion/extension kit is a great upgrade for your Sculpfun S10, S9, S6 or the S6 Pro laser engraver. It will expand the laser engravers working surface in Y-axis to a whopping 950mm, expanding the total working surface area by 226%. It will allow you to laser cut, and laser engrave a lot larger parts.
I tested this expansion kit by engraving the largest photo engraving possible. I have upgraded my Sculpfun S6 Pro laser engraver with this expansion kit and with the Sculpfun S9 laser module. then I attempted to engrave the largest photo. It took over 21 hours for the engraving to complete and it ended up PERFECT!

You can buy the Sculpfun S9 Expansion kit here: https://hobbylasercutters.com/go/scul...
And the kit for the Sculpfun S10: https://hobbylasercutters.com/go/scul...

The written review of this laser expansion kit, where you can find reviews of other laser engravers too:
On this website you can find comparisons with standardized tests made on 10+ laser engravers.

(Affiliate links, I get a small commission at no extra cost to you. This enables me to get better coupons in the future so you have even lower price!):
Sculpfun S9: https://hobbylasercutters.com/go/scul...
Use my coupon BGd9c72e to get it for only 279$!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3wajTsS
Aliexpress: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_9z39Xg

xTool D1: https://hobbylasercutters.com/go/xtoo...
Atomstack A10 Pro: https://hobbylasercutters.com/go/atom...

https://hobbylasercutters.com/go/best... (you only have two eyes!)

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