Day 2 - 4 Rivers Trail, Seoul to Busan 8 days adventure - Cheonho Don to Yeoju-Si, South Korea.

Описание к видео Day 2 - 4 Rivers Trail, Seoul to Busan 8 days adventure - Cheonho Don to Yeoju-Si, South Korea.

“Day 2: Cheonho Don to Yeoju-Si – 80 km - Our 8-Day Adventure!”

On our second day, we cycled 80 kilometers from Cheonho Don to Yeoju-Si. The route led us through famous tunnels, over bridges with breathtaking views, and past picturesque landscapes. Mimi’s tire developed a small leak, and we had to pump it up as we rode until we found a safe spot for repair. Despite the challenge, it was a fantastic day, complete with a big climb featuring an 800m climb with 10% elevation gain.

The cycling path and infrastructure were world-class, ensuring our safety and allowing us to fully immerse ourselves in the journey.

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  / strava  


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