How to repair plastic bucket

Описание к видео How to repair plastic bucket

In this video you will see how to fix cracked plastic bucket. Repairing cracked plastic bucket can be difficult for someone who’s never done it before. With a simple technique you can easily fix a cracked plastic bucket. So before throwing broken or cracked bucket into your recycling bin, here is a technique you can use to repair it.
First make a small channels along the crack of the bucket so that glue can easily entre into the crack. Then apply glue from glue gun on the crack of plastic bucket. Then gently press the glue to entre it into the crack. After applying glue throughout the crack of one side of the bucket, apply glue throughout the crack on other side of the bucket. Make sure every part of the crack is covered by the glue.
You can use this technique to repair any broken plastic object also. So before throwing any broken plastic things into west bin, apply this technique to repair those items.
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