切除腰椎間盤手術後復康運動-脊醫王鳳恩 - (中/Eng Sub) Rehab exercises after lumbar disectomy surgery - Dr. Matty Wong DC

Описание к видео 切除腰椎間盤手術後復康運動-脊醫王鳳恩 - (中/Eng Sub) Rehab exercises after lumbar disectomy surgery - Dr. Matty Wong DC

今天我會跟大家說一下切除椎間盤手術之後有些什麼復康運動可以做的很多病人患上椎間盤突出 他們最大的擔心就是要做手術的 因為可能椎間盤太大壓住神經線會引致的病人除了痛之外 會有麻痺 腳可能會沒有力的情況 但是也要是乎椎間盤的大細和壓著神經線有多少 最主要最主要還是看病人的臨床徵狀 很多時候我們見病人帶磁力共振來看病的時候 很多時候可能看到一些很大的椎間盤突出但當我和他們做檢查的時候也不會覺得他們的臨床徵狀很嚴重 或者有些病人其實突出不多但是臨床徵狀比較嚴重所以除了要看磁力共振片之外看椎間盤有多突出和多大之外 最重要也是看病人的臨床徵狀...

Today I will talk about after discectomy surgery what kind of rehabilitation exercise to do. Many patients who has disc herniation their biggest worry is surgery. As the disc is compressed the nerve causing patients to feel pain and numbness, legs may also feel weak. However we need to see how big is the disc protrusion and which nerve is compressed. The most important is to see patient’s clinical symptoms, many patients bring their MRI for me to see, and there is a large herniated disc but when we perform the examination, their clinical symptoms is not that serious. However some patients has small disc protrusion but having serious symptoms. Apart from looking at MRI to see how big is the disc herniation, and need to check their clinical symptoms....

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Medical Center: www.excelmedicalgroup.com
MRI scanning: www.accurate-mri.com
Dr Matty Wong website: www.drmattywong.com
Collagen Supplement: www.drdisc.co

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Enquiries and appointments are welcome: +852 2804 6813
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