Ask a Therapist: I came out "later in life". Now what?

Описание к видео Ask a Therapist: I came out "later in life". Now what?

I hear stories constantly about people who come out "later in life" (in other words, they don't realize or don't live into their sexuality or identity until they are past their teens and 20s). Many say they feel like they are playing "catch up". Others feel isolated. Others still realize the truth about themselves and have a hard or almost impossible choice to make: do they risk their stability to be true to themselves? Will others be hurt by the circumstances to follow?

Coming out is usually a multi layered, complicated process (thank you, comphet). While we are all on our own timing, it can feel isolating to discover these things about yourself AFTER most people your age have dealt with their own realities. But you are not alone! Check out this week's video to hear validation and encouragement for the realities that coming out in your 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond. #comingout #laterinlife #askatherapist

♥️♥️♥️50th upload!!!!♥️♥️♥️


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