Constitution Debate: Rajnath Singh In Lok Sabha, Amit Shah In Rajya Sabha To Lead | India Today

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The Indian Parliament is preparing for the Samvidhan Debate. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will lead the discussion in Lok Sabha, while Home Minister Amit Shah will initiate the debate in Rajya Sabha. The debate is scheduled for 13th and 14th in Lok Sabha, and 16th and 17th in Rajya Sabha. Twelve hours have been allotted for discussion in each house, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi expected to reply in Lok Sabha on Saturday. #samvidhandebate #constitutiondebate #parliamentwintersession2024 #itwebvideos #rajnathsingh #amitshah #loksabha #rajyasabha #indianparliament #modigovernment #pmnarendramodi #defenceminister #homeminister #indiatoday
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