Pourquoi Qwik C'est l'Avenir

Описание к видео Pourquoi Qwik C'est l'Avenir

There is a framework I’ve been keeping an eye on because it has a new and clever approach to the problem that Next JS, Astro and others are trying to solve. That framework is Qwik, the brainchild of Miško Hevery, who created Angular. And Qwik has at last left beta and reached version 1.0.,

Let’s take a look at the following:
* Why Qwik’s approach is promising.
* How other frameworks have inspired Qwik.
* How Qwik compares to other JavaScript frameworks, particularly React, Next JS, and Solid JS.

But first… What is the problem Qwik is trying to solve?

#Qwik #nextjs #reactjs
Course https://qwikschool.com
Docs: https://qwik.builder.io/docs/concepts...
Qwik is a new kind of framework: https://changelog.com/jsparty/237
Qwik has the right amount of magic: https://changelog.com/jsparty/261#t=1115
Mon site : https://kodaps.dev


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