Logitech G510 keyboard Cleaning

Описание к видео Logitech G510 keyboard Cleaning

I decided to make this cause there was no video around about how to clean this keyboard. Hope it helps. Also look in the comments in addition to the video there are many people who fixed other issues related to this KB.

From Ward Christman fixing SPACEBAR:
"I fixed the space bar! Note - it has only 1 center plunger, pry up in the center and it should pop off like all the others. It has a long 'paper clip thin' metal bar/spring similar to the one you'll find under the return & shift keys. Seems that spring came out of the clips before i bought my keyboard (used) and i didn't know i could fix it, so glad i tried! It's a little noisey now, but i no longer have to hit it dead center. Tip: before re-assembling it, make sure the metal bar is snapped into the clips towards the front of the keyboard (near the elbows) and lay it flat with the ends point back towards the top of the keyboard, then push the spacebar down in the center right over the center hole and the ends should also snap into the little clips that hold the ends of the spring. Done!"


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