20 Lines Essay On Holi In English/Holi Essay in English 20 Lines

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holi is a famous festival of India. It is the festival of colours. the holi festival indicates the arrival of spring and the end of winter season. the holi festival starts from the evening of the Purnima in the Hindu calendar month of Phalguna which falls around first week of March according to the Gregorian Calendar. However this year Holi will be celebrated on 18th March 2022. The first evening is known as Holika Dahan or burning of demon Holika.
The next morning Holi is celebrated as Rangwali Holi, festival of colours, where people smear each other with colours and drench one another with different colours. Balloons filled with water colours, water guns are used to play and spray colours on one another. on this day people sing and dance. People visit family and friends, throw coloured powders water colours on each other, laugh and gossip then share Holi delicious dishes, food and drinks. In the evening, people dress up and visit friends, family and relatives and wishes Happy Holi.

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