The (Un)Recognized: Transnistrian local

Описание к видео The (Un)Recognized: Transnistrian local

Years of diplomatic negotiations, dozens of acts and agreements, hundreds of roadmaps and redrawn borders – behind the official procedures in conflict regions, live hundreds of thousands of people who depend on political decisions. Perhaps more so than anyone else.

Their countries’ names won’t be found on any official maps. For many years, these people have lived in a state of uncertainty in disputed territories. The fight for independence has another side: social instability, problems with infrastructure, difficulties for business. Some cope with difficulties on their own, others await new diplomatic successes of the authorities, others yet, are leaving. And there are those who are satisfied with the state of things.

Residents of the disputed post-Soviet territories – their lifestyles, ambitions, and achievements – in a project by Russian-language News Exchange.

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