Why do dogs dig and scratch on couch or Sofa

Описание к видео Why do dogs dig and scratch on couch or Sofa

Why dogs dig and scratch on sofa

Instinctual behaviors that they get from ancestors,
Dogs would dig out dens in the wild as a place to rest
and protect themselves from various predators.

Dogs sometimes dig to find objects.
He maybe trying to dig in order to uncover something
he smell underneath.

If your dogs like to sleep on your couch,
Dogs will dig to warm up their beds in the wild or to find
more comfortable sleeping position,
much like humans fluff their pillow before sleeping.

they may not have enough toys or enough exercise
going on in their daily lives to occupy themselves,
this can end up being very destructive behavior.
You definitely should look into things that will
alter your puppy's behavior a little better.

It's important to train your dog not do dig and
scratch on your couch or sofa.

Take the time to be consistent,
Give them toys,
Be sure your dogs has his own bedding and place
to feel safe.
Taking the time to train and love your dogs will reduce his
unwanted behavior.

As always be patient because sometimes a dog's instincts
will take over.


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