HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA Recreated and Remastered in 4k

Описание к видео HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA Recreated and Remastered in 4k

Disclaimer I am no way affiliated slackcircus, the original creators of the "Fabulous Secret Powers".

Being inspired to recreate my favorite video from the internet I set out to recreate "Fabulous Secret Powers" in its entirety using a higher quality source.

During production I realized to do this any justice I had to recreate it frame by frame, as a result this remaster is a 1:1 with a few exceptions.

I used the footage from the DVD as a base, this footage while of a high fidelity is cropped differently then the footage used in the original as a result most of the remastered footage is as well.

He Man is famous for reuses footage as a result many images in "Fabulous Secret Powers" may look the same but from a different point in the show resulting in different coloring.

When searching for the rainbow star effect in the video I could not find where it originates from, I asked reddit and searched the internet and so I came up short. I then recreated the effect from scratch and made sure each star lined up frame by frame.

About the remastering Process:
Much of the footage was assembled in Adobe Premiere, when images need to be cutout I used Adobe Photoshop and a Wacom Tablet. Footage was cut out was then reassembled in Adobe After Effects and to clean up some footage along the way I used Topaz Gigapixel AI.

The finished video was 640x480 and was then put into Topaz Video Enhance AI and rendered out at 8k. The final video was filtered through after effects and rendered out at 4k.

A Comparison to the shortened original "HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA":
   • HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA 4k Remaster vs O...  

Full "Fabulous Secret Powers" - Recreated and Remastered in 4k:
   • Fabulous Secret Powers -  Recreated a...  

slackcircus channel:
   / @slackcircus  

Original "Fabulous Secret Powers":
   • Fabulous Secret Powers  



Thanks for viewing and I hope you enjoy.


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