Tuff E Nuff Longplay (SNES) [QHD]

Описание к видео Tuff E Nuff Longplay (SNES) [QHD]

Game Info
Developer: Jaleco
Publisher: Jaleco
Year of Release: 1993

Game Review & Impressions
Given the success of Street Fighter II, a slew of copycat titles would follow, all looking to cash in on the one-on-one fighting phenomenon that Capcom's seminal title would instigate.

The likes of Mortal Kombat and Fatal Fury proved to be highly successful, building out their respective franchises with iconic features and mechanics, whilst Rise of the Robots would become famous for all the wrong reasons.

Somewhere in the middle reside a slew of forgettable also-rans, of which Jaleco's Tuff E Nuff is surely a prime example. This is a game cut from the same cloth as Street Fighter, but one which really does the bare minimum and little else besides.

As with other games of this sort, you have a roster of characters to choose from, each of whom have their own set of special moves, which then participate in best-of-three bout fights, before moving on to the next. You have your typical selection of karatekas, wrestlers, odd-ball individuals with knives for hands, and so on.

From a gameplay perspective, Tuff E Nuff functions exactly like Street Fighter II. Punches and kicks of varying power can be executed, plus special moves can be performed through a combination of D-pad and button presses. Unfortunately, the latter can be quite tricky to pull off, owing to the fact the designers opted for some really awkward motions to input; not exactly great.

In terms of presentation, graphics are OK, but nothing to write home about. The background artwork is almost universally drab, lacking any kind of detail, and the character designs are also forgettable. Sound is equally uninspiring, with stage tunes that do little to improve the overall experience.

Tuff E Nuff should really be renamed Barely Enuff, because that's exactly what it is. It's by no means the worst beat 'em up I've played, but it's so bland as to be forgettable. Street Fighter II upped the ante in terms of what gamers expected from these games, and this barely scrapes through with a pass.



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