Increasing Opportunities for AE Learners to Pursue a Manufacturing Career Pathway (Webinar)

Описание к видео Increasing Opportunities for AE Learners to Pursue a Manufacturing Career Pathway (Webinar)

When you hear “Florida” what industries come to mind? Manufacturing was probably not at the top of your list, yet Florida has 20,000 manufacturing companies, and over 371,000 Floridians are employed in the industry however, very few adult education students are making the transition in this high-wage, in-demand career cluster. The reason may be that students don’t realize the career opportunities that exist in manufacturing. This webinar will share how one county is working towards effecting change by focusing on the #1 source of information for adult education students and that is adult education teachers, navigators, administrators, and their partners. In this webinar, you will learn how Manufacturing Career Access Experience professional development was developed for adult education staff and partners to help them gain a better understanding of manufacturing. You will also learn about resources that you can use to replicate this professional development in your county.


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