Brett Frist Video, people he's out...

Описание к видео Brett Frist Video, people he's out...

People how do we get here?

You don't see that is because of us, our ignorance and
our lack of action is the cause and reason for this is happening?
Somebody has to take the blame,
Will it be you?
You sat back and believed what people told you
You thought you had a vote
You thought you had a police to protect you
You thought you had civil rights
Well where are they?
Where are your rights now?

You have been bamboozled
You have been hoodwinked
You have been misled
We''ll you will allow it to continue?

There are executive orders in place,
The military has been positioning themselves
The world leaders have been buying properties in other countries,
Henry Kissinger has properly in China and
you think your guns are gonna save you
You think your hatred is going to save you
You think your ignorance will save you
When will you people learn,
when will you get it?
It's all about division and distracting
While you are watching your programming tube
They're putting everything into place

But you don't care, it could never happen here
They'll never do anything like that
Our government would never give syphilis to kids
Our government would never test syphilis on its own military
No not our government, they would not
Destroy four buildings in one day
They would never assassinate one of their own
No what was I thinking,
I apologize, please excuse this message
I know finally How WE got HERE!


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