10kg Of Caviar Per Sturgeon! Factory Producing The Most Expensive Caviar In The World

Описание к видео 10kg Of Caviar Per Sturgeon! Factory Producing The Most Expensive Caviar In The World

Azerbaijan Fish Farm LLC is the pioneer of sustainable and progressive fish breeding and caviar production in Azerbaijan.

In 1954, the first ever in Azerbaijan and one of the first in the world, an experimental aquaculture farm was built in Neftchala region of Azerbaijan, in close proximity to the estuary of Kura river. Since then, we have been modernizing it immensely, and today we produce Baku Caviar from three fish species: Russian sturgeon, sevruga and beluga. We supply the high-end and most prestigious hotels, sale points and restaurants of Azerbaijan with our exclusive caviar.

We not only preserve, but also restore population of the precious fish species in Caspian Sea. Some of our great initiatives include releasing 10 fingerlings for each jar of caviar sold, restocking Caspian Sea with the endemic Caspian Salmon fingerlings, investment into research and development towards improvement of the Caspian ecosystem and many others.
We cooperate with international Blue Marine Foundation and help to protect spawning ground in Kura and Araz rivers. We also help to develop a strategy to reduce harvesting of wild sturgeon and salmon. To this end, we partnered with the University of Stirling in Scotland to test innovative approaches and methodologies. We strive to establish proper research and development potential which would support and complement our productions process

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