Female Hereditary Hair Loss Treatment & Genetic Testing - Palm Beach FL

Описание к видео Female Hereditary Hair Loss Treatment & Genetic Testing - Palm Beach FL

http://www.baumanmedical.com - Hair loss affects tens of millions of American women, but new diagnostic procedures, effective treatments and tracking methods are available.

LaserCap delivers an effective, clinical dose of laser therapy anywhere, anytime because it is the first cordless, rechargeable, portable laser that has 224 separate laser diodes (not LEDs) that fits conveniently under a standard baseball hat. Laser treatments with LaserCap are 30 minutes, every other day. 650nm wavelength, 5mW per laser diode. Laser therapy does not regrow dead hair follicles, but it makes weaker hair follicles produce thicker, stronger and longer hair fibers. All laser patients should be measured in three areas using a HairCheck(TM) Cross sectional hair bundle measurement tool.

Female Androgen Sensitivity Genetic Testing is performed to determine if a women is likely to experience severe female hereditary hair loss and predict a post-menopausal woman's response to the off-label treatment finasteride (propecia). The female Androgen Sensitivity test is performed in minutes in the doctor's office using a cheek swab.

For more information on LaserCap, visit http://www.lasercap.info

To learn more about Hair Restoration Physician, Dr. Alan J. Bauman, M.D. visit http://www.baumanmedical.com


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